!  !  !     M O V I N G    S A L E     !  !  !


misc. kitchen devices & stuff


there's even more stuff ...

somewhat like  50 c  per piece  OBO

Email me in case you are interested in any of these items. The prices are negotiable. If you just want to have single parts out of a set, we can talk about it. I'd like to get rid of the stuff, so I'll accept any offer that is reasonable.

I am out of town from  July 25  till  August 26, so if you email me during that time I won't be able to answer. But email me nevertheless, I will reply as soon as I got back to Columbus.

My email adress is :  [email protected]

I live north campus.

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!  !  !     M O V I N G    S A L E     !  !  !